Sunday, September 2, 2007


When I came to France I had a reasonably good CV but found it frustratingly difficult to get a job in my field. There were two reasons for this. The first is that the French are, with little exception, incredibly patriotic. A doughnut without its hole would fare better than an expert in astrophysics if it had been baked in France by a Frenchman. The second is that I came to this country speaking very little french. Little wonder then that the job, or even a job was hard to obtain.

So, in my naivety I decided to create my own company in a land where the word 'entrepreneur' really doesn't exist. I wrote down about 50 single words on sheets of postits, of which BOX and CLEVER were two, put all the postits in a hat [well, really it was a saucepan, but you get the idea] and pulled out CLEVER and GLASS. I didn't like the sound of CleverGlass nor GlassClever so discarded this second word. At the third go I pulled out BOX. There you have it. BoxClever rolled off the tongue better than CleverBox.


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